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WHAT a week. crazy stuff happening and coming. Had a awesome family night to start the week with the bishopric who gave us the new christmas mormon message EARLY! Its in Spanish and it is BY FAR my favorite. If you want the sneak peek, check it below. ITs just the PERFECT way for me to have my last Christmas in the mission.

PONDERIZING SCRIPTURES: Col. 1:23, Mark 14: 6-7, 18-38, 15:2-5,9,12-34,37, Luke 2 CHRISTMAS STORY, Luke 6:46, Luke 8:21, Luke 10:21, Luke 11: 28,40, 1 Cor. 9:24, Eccl. 9:11, 2 Tim. 4:7, Hebrews 12:1-2 ( favorite thus far this week with the lightning mcqueen metaphor)) Luke 12:56-57,

TUESDAY: It was a rough morning working hard in the rain BUT of course the miracles and blessings come as a man came up to us feeling bad that he fought with his brothers and want to change and be consistent with a church and accepted to be baptized in that moment. WHATTTTTT hermana maya and I were basically dancing in the rain after that. Had an AWESOME lesson with our other golden investigator Daniela who is progressing a ton reading the book of mormon and going to church! Samai also committed to be her best friend helping her to be baptized as well. THIS is the yellow brick road to celestial covenants. LOVE IT.

WEDNESDAY: great times in district meeting where we literally created a christmas tree of ornaments on how we can really spread the gospel in new ways. its been awesome! Made a little agenda seperator with all the ideas and a silly drawing of a christmas tree with president stellmon. GOLD.

THURSDAY: One on one meeting with President which was SUPER intense and I learned a lot from him. Had a talk on how Im running very VERY fast and how I literally need to slow down and help others to learn from me or Im gonna win the race alone. Ive been crossing lines and been TOO pushy. A phrase he told stuck with me that I´ll probably use for the rest of my life.

If you wanna go fast, youll go alone. If you wanna go far, youll go with others.

So, just as Lightning Mcqueen, who I literally had a dream with the same idea, Ive gotta slow down or Im gonna crash. Im focused to much on the prize and pushing too hard when I have SO many people that need to help me and have ideas that can make it so much easier and better and smarter way of working with organization and team work. So I´ve halted to a stop looked behind me, evaluated the situation what is struggling, went back from the finish line instead of winning alone and am helping others to cross it with me. AWESOME lesson that I will treasure for my whole life.

BUT the big news after the meeting is that Hermana Maya and I have been given a special assignment to work with the college students and social media spreading the gospel. SO all the better to already have the christmas inciative and get to work together!

FRIDAY: ZONE CONFERENCE was awesome. Just awesome. Full of memories of my first zone conference and great messages and baptizing real converts and also MAINTAINING the fire of faith. LOVED that phrase. Ended the day with a MIRACLE lesson with Miguel and he has been reading the Book of Mormon and said YES i want to be baptized.

SATURDAY: 15 MONTHS IN THE MISSION. WHATTTTT It has become insane. Its flying but im keeping Presidents advice in mind and like Ferris Bueler says ¨Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.¨ In this day, celebrated REALLY taking time to bear my testimony with the simple doctrines that we can find in the Restoration and 3 Nephi 11 and 2 Nephi 28:30 to all of the people we saw. Memorable day with the spirit in many moments.

SUNDAY: FOUR OF OUR INVESTIGATORS CAME TO CHURCH. WARD RETURNED TO HAVING AN EPIC WARD COUNCIL WITH BRAND NEW PRESIDENTS IN EVERY ORGANIZATION AND NEW MISSION LEADER and the renewed equally distributed energy was just a sight to see and absolutely LOVE. I have grown to LOVE each and every one of the members and truly know that each person with their calling has that authority and is able to be an AMAZING leader in every one of their callings. Universidad has been reborn AGAIN and is ready to go to the rescue.

THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. for your prayers and for your love and support in this time in the mission. Crazy to read letters of so many people ending AND starting their missions. This really is the best 18 months of my life. There is absolutely NOTHING that has been nor ever will be of more value for me.


Hermana Abigail Creer

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